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Edited and Compiled by Janine Roberts
Founded 1995 as the Web Inquirer
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Last Updated Jan 26, 2006
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Laboratory records , correspondence and reports relating to the reseach that is widely endorsed as proving HIV to cause AIDS.
How the lead Science Paper was changed at the last moment to justify Dr. Robert Gallo's claim that he had both found HIV, and had proved it caused AIDS.
The first of these claims would be disproved in major Government Investigations that lasted from 1990 to 1994. They cited as evidence for this the fraudulently altered draft of the lead Science paper published on 4th May 1984. This paper is available here - click on this paragraph- the typing is by Dr Popovic who did the experiments reported herein - and the handwritten changes by Dr Gallo, made only 8 days before it went for publication in the Science journal.
The paper in question is the renowned lead paper, currently praised on the US and UK government health websites as having conclusively established for all tme that HIV is the cause of AIDS. It is the foundation stone of all modern AIDS research.
It is also a major part of the patent application for our 'HIV Test.' If it is fraudulent, then this test is also in trouble.
Here is the US government's 'Office of Research Intergrity' Indictment of Dr Robert Gallo.
Part One , Two , Three and Four.
When this was ruled insufficient, because it had not proved Dr Gallo's "intent" to fraudulently change the papers, it was folloewd by by a report by a major Investigative US Congressional Subcommittee and by a report by the NIH Inspector General. This report was accepted in effect - the credit for finding 'HIV' was completely taken from Dr Gallo and given to Proffessor Luc Montagne of the Institut Pasteur in Paris. It was accepted that Gallo had used a viral sample sent to him by Montagne and falsely claimed to have discovered it himself.
But extraordinary the various inquiries turned a blind eye to the many other last minute changes Gallo made to this key draft paper -they only cited those relating to the change of the sample's name - and scandelously ignored the statement by Dr Popovic in this paper that, despite the best of efforts, the cause of AIDS could NOT be discovered - a statement Gallo had replaced with the opposite.
This may be one of the most significant failures of nerve of any Government investigation in the past century. It has had the most enormous of reprocussions.
Just days before Gallo sent the Science papers to be published claiming he had found HIV, he received a reply from Dr Gonda, the head of their Electron Microscope Department, to say that the sample he had sent Gonda to be photograped for publicatiom, saying it contain HIV (then called HTLV-III), in fact contained no HIV at all but onlydebis. Click Here
In the late 1980s Gallo then took part in trialing AZT and othe drugs in Africa for AIDS - three died and he is officially reprimanded for careless medicine that put them into danger. Click here