Sparks of Light


In-depth Investigative Research & Journalism

With the Web Inquirer (founded 1995), dedicated to health of body, spirit and world.

Section 1 - Medical Investigations

"Sparks" - we all can produce them - and yet they may start fires that change our world. This is one more place where they can ignite. Janine Roberts, Web skipper

Resume, Publications,Awards and Qualifications

Some Comments by our visitors.

This site incorporates The Web Inquirer, founded in 1994. click here to access its enormous library on politics, health and especially on gender issues.

Our Other Major Investigations

Gender and Religion - a challenging new book on sex and gender, organised religion and spirituality.

ARMSGATE. How the Bush family came to power through a deal with Iranian Ayatollahs. read the article that broke this in the major newspapers.

Gold Mining and Australian Aborigines - a 'Best Documentary' Nomination winning film - in which every voice is Aboriginal .

The dirt on the diamond . See her film THE DIAMOND EMPIRE banned after being shown in peak time on TV across North America and on the BBC because of opposition from De Beers - and judge it for yourselves. Read also her recent book Glitter and Greed acclaimed in The Independent as "brilliant", "enthralling" and as the "product of hair-raising research".

Read here Diamond Mining and the Bushmen - a special done for the Ecologist with Survival International (coming)

More about her works

and some site awards

radio 1

two children


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